What we offer

The support that we can offer includes:

  • Regular information and guidance on phonics and early reading.
  • Support to schools to create an action plan for improving the teaching of phonics, early reading and developing language along with a love of reading.
  • A reading and phonics audit in eligible schools.
  • Funding for training and resources.
  • Training delivered by experts to support teachers and schools to improve their phonics provision, early language, and reading for pleasure culture
  • Up to six days of intensive support in-school from our Hub literacy specialists if selected to be a partner school

If you are interested in the support Great Heights English Hub is offering in the teaching of early reading and phonics, please complete the self referral form below!


Great Heights English Hub may be able to offer funding to you to purchase phonics resources and training aligned with your SSP, subject to the results of your audit.

Engagement Events & CPD

The Great Heights English Hub runs a range of professional development and training events throughout the year. Please contact us directly if you would like more information on current CPD courses, check our ‘News and Events’ page or follow us on our social media channels.

Please follow us on twitter @GreatHeightsHub and LinkedIn Great Heights English Hub | LinkedIn or contact us via Englishhub@greetlandacademy.org.uk